About Us
Know How Automation Technology (KHAT) is one of the main providers of critical electrical and mechanical component to machine tool builders.
With over a decade of experience in factory automation and the passion for technology, we are now going further from simple parts supply to providing optimal solution of machine modification, repair and field services...
What We Do
Located in the gateway to the world’s most dynamic hub of industrial manufacturing-Asia, we offer a more efficient and cheaper way for your products to enter this place. With a decade of experience in providing key components to machine manufacturers, we are able to expose your products to customers quickly and efficiently...
Contact Us
7th Floor, Blissful Building,
No.243-247 Des Voeux Road, Central,
Hong Kong
Robotics and FMS solutions !
Our robotics solution covers a wide variety of application from simple pick and place, palletizing to milling and welding.
We work with leading robot manufacturers in the world to offer the best robotics solution and integration.
We also offers training on application and robot maintenance.
We help factories to further automate by adopting the FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System).
Our FMS solutions help factories increase their machines utilization rate, reduce operating cost and free manpower, and hence increase the productivity and quality at the same time.
We adjust our solution according to the actual need of our customers, from small scale FMC (Flexible manufacturing Cell) to a full scale digital factory.
Product Category
Machine Tool Components
Motion Control
Factory Automation
Field Service